View Full Version : DIY Rodinal

25th February 2015, 02:30 AM
Hello everyone,

I'm a new member of the group and i see some great discussions here!

Not sure if everyone's seen Dr. Frankenstein's video of how to make your own Rodinal developer but I have been very interested in trying this out for myself. has anyone else ever had experience in making and developing their own film with this homemade developer Rodinal?


26th February 2015, 09:08 AM
Hello everyone,

I'm a new member of the group and i see some great discussions here!

Not sure if everyone's seen Dr. Frankenstein's video of how to make your own Rodinal developer but I have been very interested in trying this out for myself. has anyone else ever had experience in making and developing their own film with this homemade developer Rodinal?


I have made a variant of this - used Sodium Metabisulphite (Campden tablets from Wilkos home brewing section) reacted with some extra Sodium Hydroxide (B&Q Caustic Soda Pearls) to produce the sulphite and cheapest paracetamol tablets. The mix needs to age before use as the reactions are slow (72 hours minimum) - worked just like Rodinal.

50 ml water - use 40ml and make up to 50 at end (boiled cooled best)

6 tablets @ 500 mg paracetamol
7.54 g sodium metabisulphite
7.2g sodium hydroxide

Scaling for 175ml - use 125ml and make up to 175ml at end

21 tablets @ 500 mg paracetamol
26.4 g sodium metabisulphite
25.1g sodium hydroxide