View Full Version : DD-X compaered to ID-11 with Delta films

23rd March 2009, 11:31 AM
I'd be interested to hear anyones findings on differences between DD-X and ID-11 when used with Ilford Delta films 100, 400 and 3200.

Does DD-X really give the shadows a boost resulting in a shorter toe?

Mike O'Pray
23rd March 2009, 01:18 PM
I hope you'll get more scientific answers that than this to the question on shadows but one thing I can state in my limited experience is that DDX gives much finer grain using D3200. Initially I had developed in ID-11 and the grain was noticeable even in 5x7 prints from 35mm and even in an 8x10 print from a slightly cropped 6x6 neg.

Much less grain from DDX. I haven't shot at above EI1600 but I was impressed with shadow detail. Dusk shots on Douglas Prom in the IoM were particulary impressive.

Isn't it Roger Hicks who rates D400 at anything between EI500 and as much as EI650 without loss of shadow detai ? Must say something. Well something about Roger's opinion of it anyway



23rd March 2009, 02:59 PM
Isn't it Roger Hicks who rates D400 at anything between EI500 and as much as EI650 without loss of shadow detail ? Must say something. Well something about Roger's opinion of it anyway

MikeFrom my own correspondence with Roger, is that he prefers HP5 Plus while his wife Frances likes the latest version of Tri-X. They both use a lot of XP2 Super and Fomapan 200 as well.

Tom Stanworth
28th March 2009, 08:10 AM
Isn't it Roger Hicks who rates D400 at anything between EI500 and as much as EI650 without loss of shadow detai ? Must say something. Well something about Roger's opinion of it anyway



Thats about right. So do I if the light is relatively flat. In moderately contrasty light I am happy shooting most 400 films at box or 320 using DDX or Xtol. These two devs give the same approx speed and I see no speed improvement with DDX over dilute Xtol.

DDX gives pretty fine grain with the Deltas and in may respects is a comparable performer to Xtol, only Xtol provides a touch more acutance when dilute.

compared to D76/ID11, DDX will give a good 1/2 stop more speed. Grain, I cannot comment on with real confidence as it is a while since I have developed the same film in DDX and ID11. I recall DDX giving very fine grain with D100.

Mike O'Pray
28th March 2009, 07:11 PM
[QUOTE=Tom Stanworth;9069]
compared to D76/ID11, DDX will give a good 1/2 stop more speed.

There's usually a good reason why one developer costs more than another and the above plus IMO finer grain may be those reasons. I started a thread on using DDX at 1+9. A propos DDX's speed increase, is there any reason why this might disappear at 1+9?

I know another poster has stated this to be the case but on the other hand increased dilution seems to lead to a speed increase in other developers. I am thinking of Perceptol where 1+3 with HP5+ leads to an EI of 320 whereas 1+1 or stock can give an EI of 250/200.

Of course the characterstics of one developer at greater dilution may be wholly different from another. Is this the case with DDX compared to Perceptol?

