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Old 15th March 2021, 04:58 PM
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Bob Bob is offline
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No problem at all. If you are getting good times on your network, it might be worth trying the timer in [BASIC R3] mode - my network throws up random bad delays so I can't use it. It does not have the 500ms restriction.

Also, you could try using RESTer with Chrome as per the manual - see if that works for you instead of Postman - the first example is the /info command. If that works OK then you can think about re-programming the Sonoff Basic R3 with the new firmware using OTA as that gets rid of all the issues with network delays and Sonoff's poor API implementation...

Oh, BTW, another thing Sonoff neglected to mention in their API documentation is that to use the Inching API you need to first setup the pulse length using the zeroconf/pulse command and then use the /zeroconf/switch command to actually turn the Sonoff on.

Have fun!

Last edited by Bob; 15th March 2021 at 05:10 PM.
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